Went out to the garden on Tuesday to check in and saw two zucchini – normal size. It was raining, so I figured, I’d get them tomorrow. No problem. Well, it turned out that it was no problem, but they turned into giants overnight! Each was almost 2 pounds!
Wound up with three zucchini and two cucumbers. Even the small zucchini weighed in at one pound. I am going to check on the science of vegetables growing this much overnight. Is it just my imagination? Jasper went ahead and checked it out…
Note the normal sized pasta sauce jar next to the two giants!
I am going to try to set a camera up that takes a photo an hour to check to see if I’m hallucinating. I figure documentary proof will be a good thing, right? Stay tuned….
In other news, the Hillbilly tomato has a ton of tomatoes on it. Can’t wait until they ripen. Also bursting out are all of the peppers and the sun gold cherry tomatoes. (pulled two off of the plant and ate them yesterday!) Also – our zinnia bloomed!
Look for the week 11 update this weekend!