April is supposed to bring showers, but this week it brought freezing temperatures. Yikes! Had to cover the beds twice this week, but the good news is that everything made it through the chilly weather. Sheets making a surprise appearance:
A lot to share with this update. First, the beds this morning looking no worse for the wear.
Will you get a load of that kohlrabi in the upper right corner? After a lot of research, it appears to me that this one is never going to grow the bulb of the plant (the feature edible part). This one made it through a lot of cold this winter and the leaves are thriving, but I think it had too much damage early which didn’t allow the bulb to form. So – in order to let the three new ones that were planted last month thrive, I cut this one down and removed it. Stay tuned to the end of this post for the delicious results!
In the meantime, let’s look at this week’s harvest.
How about that lovely radish? The other greens are amazing too. The Dragon Tongue Mustard is beautiful too! A turkey wrap sounds like a great use of these greens.
But wait, there’s more! Second round of greens and radish waiting to be used. The greens under the radish are two of the kohlrabi leaves (before the whole plant came out)
The sugar snap peas are doing very well too. I love how the tendrils grab ahold of the supports.
Other big news – the escarole finally sprouted! Not all No pictures yet, but I’ll post them next time. This makes a 100% success rate for each type of seed planted. Not all of the seeds sprouted, but I got at least one plant of each. Success!
Now – remember that kohlrabi I pulled out today? Here are the greens cut and rinsed in the colander.
I cooked them up with olive oil, garlic, and onion with harissa spice. Finished off with a bit of pomegranate syrup for a side that is sweet, bitter, tangy and delicious!
Oh yes, I also planted a dahlia in the right bed in the top left spot. It is coming up nicely. I’ll get pictures of that next time too!