It’s February, so must be time for Spring gardening, right?
We spent the day in the garden and I couldn’t be more excited to get going again! So – end of the day above, but we worked hard to get here.
First, we had a lot of grass grow under the landscaping fabric last year, so we put down another layer. The added bonus here is that everything looks nice and clean for the new season.
But first, there was spring planning….what are we growing this spring?
This is the early spring plan. Next we got to filling up the big pots with a really great compost mix:
This time around, we used all Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil. It is a mix of peat moss, vermiculite and a blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and sea-going fish and crab meal. We had great results with this last year, so decided to go with it again.
We re-did the dividers using the bamboo we had left over from last year and then commenced the planting! To make dealing with the seeds easier, the old paper plate method was put into place.
Counting out the seeds and using a plate makes it so much easier to plant in the square foot patterns! I used a spoon for the holes (at the correct depth for each type of seed) then was able to use my clean fingers to pick and plant the seeds.
Of course, plant labels always help. This year, we used the same as last year, but added clear tape over the words so they hopefully make it through the season. We’ll see.
So – you can see that not all of the seeds on the plan were planted. Some need to wait a few weeks. Updates to follow!