A bit of a departure for this post. I’m going to talk about the yard behind the garden.
Why all the bare clay? So, you may remember that we had a crazy second half of May with 12+ inches of rain in two weeks. The sad side effect of that for us was septic issues. Not to worry, all fixed now, but we had to have a new drain field installed and this is the result. A whole yard ripe for erosion issues and a whole lot of clay ready to be washed into Lake Robinson the first time it rains. The solution? A whole bunch of grass seed – brown top millet to be exact – and straw blankets to protect the bare soil from erosion until the grass sprouts.
50 pounds of seed and 7200 square feet of straw roll later, we’ve got this! The brown top is a temporary measure. It’ll die off in the fall. We’ll overseed with Dutch Clover in September for a pollinator friendly low growing “lawn”. This clover doesn’t grow very tall, so it’ll be pretty!