So, it’s spring as of Friday and we’re planting! Went to the grocery store for salad fixin’s and wouldn’t you know, shelves empty. Apparently salads are a go-to item for Covid-19 quarantine?

Hoping for these at the store, but no such luck!
No worries though – garden to the rescue. It’s been a long winter, so let me catch you up. First, let me tell you that I was amazed that the oregano made it through some sub 20 degree weather with absolutely no issue. In my mind, oregano is Mediterranean so shouldn’t withstand cold, but not true. Take a look…
Since it’s still chilly here, I loaded up with greens. Two squares each of arugula, spinach, broccoli rabe and romaine seeds. Four squares of mustard green seeds. From our grow station in the office came pak choy, kale, and broccoli. Not to leave the herbs out, cilantro and dill went in the buckets.
Finally, the chilly 50 degree weather slowed down one of my pollinator friends that was caught in the porch. He let me carry him from the screen to the great outdoors. Hope my wooden fence survives the dreaded carpenter bee!
Stay tuned for more!