I have to say that I’m pretty happy with the results of the great garlic experiment so far. One month down, 8 more to go! Look at those lovely plants! They look super healthy so far. …
square foot garden
Russians are in the Garden!
Russian Red Garlic, that is. Look at these beautiful heads of garlic. We’re trying something new this year and have planted garlic. It’s an experiment, but we’re optimistic!
Its a Jungle Out There!
A jungle of tomatoes that is. With the recent heavy rains, the tomatoes have gotten out of control.
Here comes the sun!
So, after over two weeks of rain [Every. Single. Day.], the sun was out this weekend! Great news for us as we figured we’d had about 11″ of rain since May 15.
The Busiest Month
How busy was the past month? A Southeast Conference, Summer Camp, and a two day workshop – all planned in our office. Whew! Happily, the garden persevered!